
This page lists some of my publications. I gave up long ago trying to keep an up-to-date list.

A complete list of my publications and more bibliometric informations are available in my DBLP profile, in my Google Scholar profile, or in my Scopus profile.


Approaches for dialog management in conversational agents.
IEEE Internet Computing. Institute of Electrical; Electronics Engineers Inc.. Issue: 2. Volume: 23. Pages: 13-22.

Automatic processing of user-generated content for the description of energy-consuming activities at individual and group level.
Energies. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI). Issue: 1. Volume: 12. Pages: 1-28.

Crowd-mapping urban objects from street-level imagery.
Proceedings of the 2019 world wide web conference. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Pages: 1521-1531.

ST-sem: A multimodal method for points-of-interest classification using street-level imagery.
Web engineering - 19th international conference, icwe 2019, proceedings. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Pages: 32-46.

Chatterbox: Conversational interfaces for microtask crowdsourcing.
Proceedings of the 27th conference on user modeling, adaptation and personalization, umap 2019. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).


Regionalization of social interactions and points-of-interest location prediction with geosocial data.
IEEE Access. Volume: 6. Pages: 34334-34353.
[DOI] [Pre-Print]

Using social media for attendees density estimation in city-scale events.
IEEE Access. Volume: 6. Pages: 36325-36340.

Human-aided bots.
IEEE Internet Computing. Issue: 6. Volume: 22. Pages: 36-43.

Semantic web and human computation: The status of an emerging field.
Semantic Web. Issue: 3. Volume: 9. Pages: 291-302.

Concept focus: Semantic meta-data for describing MOOC content.
Proccedings of the 13th european conference on technology enhanced learning, EC-TEL 2018. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 11082. Pages: 467-481.

CaptureBias: Supporting media scholars with ambiguity-aware bias representation for news videos.
Proceedings of the 1st workshop on disentangling the relation between crowdsourcing and bias management (Crowdbias 2018), co-located the 6th AAAI conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 2018). CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 2276. Pages: 32-40.

Expert disagreement in sequential labeling: A case study on adjudication in medical time series analysis.
Proceedings of the 1st workshop on Subjectivity, Ambiguity and Disagreement in crowdsourcing (SAD 2018), co-located the 6th AAAI conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 2018). CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 2276. Pages: 67-71.

A human in the loop approach to capture bias and support media scientists in news video analysis.
Proceedings of the 1st workshop on Subjectivity, Ambiguity and Disagreement in crowdsourcing (SAD 2018), co-located the 6th AAAI conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 2018). CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 2276. Pages: 88-92.

How do crowdworker communities and microtask markets influence each other? A data-driven study on amazon mechanical turk.
Proceedings of the sixth AAAI conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 2018). AAAI Press. Pages: 193-202.

Enterprise crowd computing for human aided chatbots.
Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on software engineering for cognitive service (se4cog@ICSE 2018). ACM. Pages: 29-30.

A user modeling pipeline for studying polarized political events in social media.
Current trends in web engineering - ICWE 2018 international workshops. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 11153. Pages: 101-114.

Effective crowdsourced generation of training data for chatbots natural language understanding.
Proceedings of the 18th international conference on Web engineering (ICWE 2018). Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 10845. Pages: 114-128.

Recurrent knowledge graph embedding for effective recommendation.
Proceedings of the 12th ACM conference on recommender systems (Recsys 2018). ACM. Pages: 297-305.

TSE-NER: an iterative approach for long-tail entity extraction in scientific publications.
Proceedings of the 17th international Semantic Web conference (ISWC 2018). Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 11136. Pages: 127-143.

Social gamification in enterprise crowdsourcing.
Proceedings of the 10th ACM conference on web science (WebSci 2018). ACM. Pages: 135-144.

SmartPub: A platform for long-tail entity extraction from scientific publications.
Companion Proceedings of The Web Conference 2018 (WWW 2018). ACM. Pages: 191-194.

Social smart meter: Identifying energy consumption behavior in user-generated content.
Companion Proceedings of The Web Conference 2018 (WWW 2018). ACM. Pages: 195-198.

Proceedings of the HCOMP 2018 works in progress and demonstration papers track of the sixth AAAI conference on human computation and crowdsourcing (HCOMP 2018), zurich, switzerland, july 5-8, 2018.
. CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 2173.

A user modeling pipeline for studying polarized political events in social media.
CoRR. Volume: abs/1807.09459.


Exploiting both vertical and horizontal dimensions of feature hierarchy for effective recommendation.
Proceedings of the thirty-first AAAI conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2017). AAAI Press. Pages: 189-195.

Interacting attention-gated recurrent networks for recommendation.
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2017). ACM. Pages: 1459-1468.

SMASC 2017: First international workshop on social media analytics for smart cities.
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2017). ACM. Pages: 2567-2568.

Facet embeddings for explorative analytics in digital libraries.
Proceedings of the 21st international conference on theory and practice of digital libraries (TPDL 2017). Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 10450. Pages: 86-99.

Semantic annotation of data processing pipelines in scientific publications.
Proceedings of the 14th International Extended Semantic Web conference (ESWC 2017). Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 10249. Pages: 321-336.

Clarity is a worthwhile quality: On the role of task clarity in microtask crowdsourcing.
Proceedings of the 28th ACM conference on hypertext and social media (HT 2017). ACM. Pages: 5-14.

MRLR: multi-level representation learning for personalized ranking in recommendation.
Proceedings of the 26th international joint conference on artificial intelligence (IJCAI 2017). Pages: 2807-2813.

Recommender systems for citizens: The citrec’17 workshop manifesto.
Proceedings of international workshop on citizens for recommender systems (citrec@RecSys 2017). ACM. Pages: 1:1-1:4.

Chatbots as conversational recommender systems in urban contexts.
Proceedings of international workshop on citizens for recommender systems (citrec@RecSys 2017). ACM. Pages: 6:1-6:2.

CitRec 2017: International workshop on recommender systems for citizens.
Proceedings of the eleventh ACM conference on recommender systems (recsys 2017). ACM. Pages: 388-389.

Nudge your workforce: A study on the effectiveness of task notification strategies in enterprise mobile crowdsourcing.
Proceedings of the 25th conference on user modeling, adaptation and personalization (UMAP 2017). ACM. Pages: 4-12.

Measuring student behaviour dynamics in a large interactive classroom setting.
Proceedings of the 25th conference on user modeling, adaptation and personalization (UMAP 2017). ACM. Pages: 212-220.

Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on knowledge discovery on the web (KD-WEB 2017).
. CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 1959.

Proceedings of 1st international workshop on citizens for recommender systems (citrec@RecSys 2017).
. ACM.

On the improvement of quality and reliability of trust cues in micro-task crowdsourcing (position paper).
CoRR. Volume: abs/1702.03385.

Chatbots as conversational recommender systems in urban contexts.
CoRR. Volume: abs/1706.10076.

Interacting attention-gated recurrent networks for recommendation.
CoRR. Volume: abs/1709.01532.


Work and play: An experiment in enterprise gamification.
Proceedings of the 19th ACM conference on computer-supported cooperative work & social computing (CSCW 2016). ACM. Pages: 345-357.

Inferring student attention with ASQ.
Proceedings of the 11th european conference on technology enhanced learning (EC-TEL 2016). Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 9891. Pages: 306-320.

Modeling task complexity in crowdsourcing.
Proceedings of the fourth AAAI conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 2016). AAAI Press. Pages: 249-258.

CroKnow: Structured crowd knowledge creation.
Proceeedings of the 16th international conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2016). Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 9671. Pages: 542-546.

Social media data analytics for tourism - A preliminary study.
Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on knowledge discovery on the web (kdweb 2016). CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 1748.

Learning hierarchical feature influence for recommendation by recursive regularization.
Proceedings of the 10th ACM conference on recommender systems (RecSys 2016). ACM. Pages: 51-58.

Using social media to reveal social and collective perspectives on music.
Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on web science (WebSci 2016). ACM. Pages: 296-300.

Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2016).
. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 9671.

Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on knowledge discovery on the web (kdweb 2016).
. CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 1748.


On the impact of knowledge extraction and aggregation on crowdsourced annotation of visual artworks.
Computer Networks. Volume: 90. Pages: 133-149.

Designing complex crowdsourcing applications covering multiple platforms and tasks.
Journal of Web Engineering. Issue: 5&6. Volume: 14. Pages: 443-473.

The inclusive enterprise: Vision and roadmap.
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2015). Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 9114. Pages: 621-624.

Knowledge crowdsourcing acceleration.
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2015). Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 9114. Pages: 639-643.

E-WISE: an expertise-driven recommendation platform for web question answering systems.
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2015). Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 9114. Pages: 691-694.

Linking accounts across social networks: The case of stackoverflow, github and twitter.
Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on knowledge discovery on the web (kdweb 2015). CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 1489. Pages: 41-52.

Locating domain-specific contents and experts on social bookmarking communities.
Proceedings of the 30th annual ACM symposium on applied computing (SAC 2015). ACM. Pages: 747-752.

Harnessing engagement for knowledge creation acceleration in collaborative q&A systems.
Proceeedings of the 23rd international conference on User modeling, adaptation and personalization (UMAP 2015). Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 9146. Pages: 315-327.

Social glass: A platform for urban analytics and decision-making through heterogeneous social data.
Proceedings of the 24th international conference on World Wide Web (WWW 2015). ACM. Pages: 175-178.

Proceedings of the 3rd australasian web conference (AWC 2015).
. Australian Computer Society. CRPIT. Volume: 166.

Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on knowledge discovery on the web (kdweb 2015).
. CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 1489.


Recommending venues using continuous predictive social media analytics.
IEEE Internet Computing. Issue: 5. Volume: 18. Pages: 28-35.

Modeling crowdsourcing scenarios in socially-enabled human computation applications.
Journal of Data Semantics. Issue: 3. Volume: 3. Pages: 169-188.

Textual and content-based search in repositories of web application models.
Transaction on the WEB. Issue: 2. Volume: 8. Pages: 11:1-11:47.

First international workshop on user interfaces for crowdsourcing and human computation.
Proceedings of the International working conference on advanced visual interfaces (AVI 2014). ACM. Pages: 398-400.

On the application of game mechanics in information retrieval.
Proceedings of the first international workshop on gamification for information retrieval (gamifir@ECIR ’14). ACM. Pages: 7-11.

Moody closet: Exploring intriguing new views on wardrobe recommendation.
Proceedings of the first international workshop on gamification for information retrieval (gamifir@ECIR ’14). ACM. Pages: 61-62.

Asking the right question in collaborative q&a systems.
25th ACM conference on hypertext and social media (HT 2014). ACM. Pages: 179-189.

Pattern-based specification of crowdsourcing applications.
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Web engineering (ICWE 2014). Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 8541. Pages: 218-235.

Fashion 10000: An enriched social image dataset for fashion and clothing.
Multimedia systems conference 2014 (mmsys 2014). ACM. Pages: 41-46.

A case study of active, continuous and predictive social media analytics for smart city.
Proceedings of the fifth workshop on semantics for smarter cities, a workshop at the 13th international semantic web conference (ISWC 2014). CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 1280. Pages: 31-46.

Towards a top-k SPARQL query benchmark.
Proceedings of the ISWC 2014 posters & demonstrations track a track within the 13th international semantic web conference, ISWC 2014, riva del garda, italy, october 21, 2014.. CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 1272. Pages: 349-352.

SoHuman 2014 - 3rd international workshop on social media in crowdsourcing and human computation.
Social informatics - socinfo 2014 international workshops, barcelona, spain, november 11, 2014, revised selected papers. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 8852. Pages: 417-420.

Sparrows and owls: Characterisation of expert behaviour in stackoverflow.
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on User modeling, adaptation, and personalization (UMAP 2014). Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 8538. Pages: 266-277.

Crowdsourcing knowledge-intensive tasks in cultural heritage.
ACM web science conference (WebSci 2014). ACM. Pages: 267-268.

A study of the online profile of enterprise users in professional social networks.
23rd international world wide web conference (WWW 2014). ACM. Pages: 487-492.

Crowd vs. Experts: Nichesourcing for knowledge intensive tasks in cultural heritage.
23rd international world wide web conference (WWW 2014). ACM. Pages: 567-568.

CItyAM: Managing big urban data for analyzing and modelling cities.
ERCIM News. Issue: 98. Volume: 2014.


Web information retrieval.
. Springer. Data-centric systems and applications.

Order matters! Harnessing a world of orderings for reasoning over massive data.
Semantic Web. Issue: 2. Volume: 4. Pages: 219-231.

Exploratory search framework for web data sources.
VLDB Journal. Issue: 5. Volume: 22. Pages: 641-663.

Choosing the right crowd: Expert finding in social networks.
Proceedings of the Joint 2013 EDBT/ICDT conferences (EDBT 2013). ACM. Pages: 637-648.

An introduction to human computation and games with a purpose.
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Web engineering (ICWE 2013). Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 7977. Pages: 514-517.

Crowdsourcing for social multimedia at mediaeval 2013: Challenges, data set, and evaluation.
Proceedings of the mediaeval 2013 multimedia benchmark workshop. CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 1043.

Personalized nichesourcing: Acquisition of qualitative annotations from niche communities.
Late-breaking results, project papers and workshop proceedings of the 21st conference on user modeling, adaptation, and personalization (UMAP 2013). CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 997.

Reactive crowdsourcing.
Proceedings of the 22nd international world wide web conference (WWW 2013). International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee / ACM. Pages: 153-164.


Web data management through crowdsourcing upon social networks.
International conference on advances in social networks analysis and mining (ASONAM 2012). IEEE Computer Society. Pages: 1123-1127.

Diversification for multi-domain result sets.
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Web engineering (ICWE 2012). Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 7387. Pages: 137-152.

Modeling end-users as contributors in human computation applications.
Preoceedings of the 2nd international conference on Model and data engineering (MEDI 2012). Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 7602. Pages: 3-15.

Efficient execution of top-k SPARQL queries.
Proceedings of the 11th international Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2012). Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 7649. Pages: 344-360.

A model-driven approach for crowdsourcing search.
Proceedings of the first international workshop on crowdsourcing web search (CrowdSearch 2012). CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 842. Pages: 31-35.

A framework for crowdsourced multimedia processing and querying.
Proceedings of the first international workshop on crowdsourcing web search (CrowdSearch 2012). CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 842. Pages: 42-47.

The CUBRIK project: Human-enhanced time-aware multimedia search.
Proceedings of the 21st world wide web conference (WWW 2012). ACM. Pages: 259-262.

Answering search queries with crowdsearcher.
Proceedings of the 21st world wide web conference (WWW 2012). ACM. Pages: 1009-1018.

Book Chapter
Materialization of web data sources.
Search computing - broadening web search. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 7538. Pages: 68-81.

Book Chapter
Extending SPARQL algebra to support efficient evaluation of top-k SPARQL queries.
Search computing - broadening web search. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 7538. Pages: 143-156.

Book Chapter
Extending search to crowds: A model-driven approach.
Search computing - broadening web search. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 7538. Pages: 207-222.


A framework for integrating, exploring, and searching location-based web data.
IEEE Internet Computing. Issue: 6. Volume: 15. Pages: 24-31.

Diversification for multi-domain result sets.
Proceedings of the 20th ACM conference on information and knowledge management, CIKM 2011, glasgow, united kingdom, october 24-28, 2011. ACM. Pages: 1905-1908.

The anatomy of a multi-domain search infrastructure.
Web engineering - 11th international conference, ICWE 2011, paphos, cyprus, june 20-24, 2011. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 6757. Pages: 1-12.

Graph-based search over web application model repositories.
Web engineering - 11th international conference, ICWE 2011, paphos, cyprus, june 20-24, 2011. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 6757. Pages: 90-104.

A conceptual framework for linked data exploration.
Current trends in web engineering - workshops, doctoral symposium, and tutorials, held at ICWE 2011, paphos, cyprus, june 20-21, 2011. Revised selected papers. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 7059. Pages: 109-118.

Exploratory multi-domain search on web data sources with liquid queries.
Web engineering - 11th international conference, ICWE 2011, paphos, cyprus, june 20-24, 2011. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 6757. Pages: 363-366.

Model-based dynamic and adaptive visualization for multi-domain search results.
Web engineering - 11th international conference, ICWE 2011, paphos, cyprus, june 20-24, 2011. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 6757. Pages: 367-370.

A constraint programming approach to automatic layout definition for search results.
Web engineering - 11th international conference, ICWE 2011, paphos, cyprus, june 20-24, 2011. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 6757. Pages: 371-374.

Understanding web data sources for search and exploration.
Workshop on discovering meaning on the go in large heterogeneous data 2011 (lhd-11), barcelona, spain, july 16, 2011. Pages: 67-72.

Search computing: Multi-domain search on ranked data.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD international conference on management of data, SIGMOD 2011, athens, greece, june 12-16, 2011. ACM. Pages: 1267-1270.

Dynamic visualizations for multi-domain search results.
Proceedings of the first international workshop on searching and integrating new web data sources - very large data search, seattle, wa, usa, september 2, 2011. CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 880. Pages: 52-57.

Search computing meets data extraction.
Proceedings of the first international workshop on searching and integrating new web data sources - very large data search, seattle, wa, usa, september 2, 2011. CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 880. Pages: 58-61.

Exploratory search in multi-domain information spaces with liquid query.
Proceedings of the 20th international conference on world wide web, WWW 2011, hyderabad, india, march 28 - april 1, 2011 (companion volume). ACM. Pages: 189-192.


Search computing: Managing complex search queries.
IEEE Internet Computing. Issue: 6. Volume: 14. Pages: 14-22.

Engineering rich internet applications with a model-driven approach.
TWEB. Issue: 2. Volume: 4. Pages: 7:1-7:47.

A service-based architecture for multi-domain search on the web.
Service-oriented computing - 8th international conference, ICSOC 2010, san francisco, ca, usa, december 7-10, 2010. Proceedings. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 6470. Pages: 663-669.

Searching repositories of web application models.
Web engineering, 10th international conference, ICWE 2010, vienna, austria, july 5-9, 2010. Proceedings. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 6189. Pages: 1-15.

Modeling search computing applications.
Current trends in web engineering - 10th international conference on web engineering, ICWE 2010 workshops, vienna, austria, july 2010, revised selected papers. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 6385. Pages: 61-72.

DATAVIEW’10 - PC co-chairs message.
On the move to meaningful internet systems: OTM 2010 workshops - confederated international workshops and posters: International workshops: AVYTAT, adi, dataview, ei2n, isde, monet, ontocontent, orm, p2p-cdve, sedes, SWWS and OTMA. hersonissos, crete, greece, october 25-29, 2010. Proceedings. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 6428. Pages: 139.

A characterization of the layout definition problem for web search results.
On the move to meaningful internet systems: OTM 2010 workshops - confederated international workshops and posters: International workshops: AVYTAT, adi, dataview, ei2n, isde, monet, ontocontent, orm, p2p-cdve, sedes, SWWS and OTMA. hersonissos, crete, greece, october 25-29, 2010. Proceedings. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 6428. Pages: 150-159.

Integration of a human face annotation technology in an audio-visual search engine platform.
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM symposium on applied computing (sac), sierre, switzerland, march 22-26, 2010. ACM. Pages: 839-843.

Search computing systems (extended abstract).
Proceedings of the eighteenth italian symposium on advanced database systems, SEBD 2010, rimini, italy, june 20-23, 2010. Esculapio Editore. Pages: 446-453.

Information exploration in search computing.
Search computing - trends and developments \[outcome of the second seco workshop on search computing, como/milan, italy, may 25-31, 2010\]. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 6585. Pages: 10-25.

Trends in search interaction.
Search computing - trends and developments \[outcome of the second seco workshop on search computing, como/milan, italy, may 25-31, 2010\]. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 6585. Pages: 26-32.

Visualization of multi-domain ranked data.
Search computing - trends and developments \[outcome of the second seco workshop on search computing, como/milan, italy, may 25-31, 2010\]. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 6585. Pages: 53-69.

Towards an ontological representation of services in search computing.
Search computing - trends and developments \[outcome of the second seco workshop on search computing, como/milan, italy, may 25-31, 2010\]. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 6585. Pages: 101-112.

On development practices for end users.
Search computing - trends and developments \[outcome of the second seco workshop on search computing, como/milan, italy, may 25-31, 2010\]. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 6585. Pages: 192-200.

Liquid query: Multi-domain exploratory search on the web.
Proceedings of the 19th international conference on world wide web, WWW 2010, raleigh, north carolina, usa, april 26-30, 2010. ACM. Pages: 161-170.


Model-driven design of audiovisual indexing processes for search-based applications.
Seventh international workshop on content-based multimedia indexing, CBMI ’09, chania, crete, greece, june 3-5, 2009. IEEE Computer Society. Pages: 120-125.

Conceptual modeling of multimedia search applications using rich process models.
Web engineering, 9th international conference, ICWE 2009, san sebastián, spain, june 24-26, 2009, proceedings. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 5648. Pages: 315-329.

Model-driven development of audio-visual web search applications: The PHAROS demonstration.
Web engineering, 9th international conference, ICWE 2009, san sebastián, spain, june 24-26, 2009, proceedings. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 5648. Pages: 513-517.

A conceptual modeling approach to business service mashup development.
IEEE international conference on web services, ICWS 2009, los angeles, ca, usa, 6-10 july 2009. IEEE Computer Society. Pages: 751-758.

Multimedia and multimodal information retrieval.
Search computing: Challenges and directions \[outcome of the first seco workshop on search computing challenges and directions, como, italy, june 17-19, 2009\]. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 5950. Pages: 135-155.

Liquid queries and liquid results in search computing.
Search computing: Challenges and directions \[outcome of the first seco workshop on search computing challenges and directions, como, italy, june 17-19, 2009\]. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 5950. Pages: 244-267.

Building search computing applications.
Search computing: Challenges and directions \[outcome of the first seco workshop on search computing challenges and directions, como, italy, june 17-19, 2009\]. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 5950. Pages: 268-290.

Pharos: An audiovisual search platform.
Proceedings of the 32nd annual international ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval, SIGIR 2009, boston, ma, usa, july 19-23, 2009. ACM. Pages: 841.


Current research on the design of web 2.0 applications based on model-driven approaches.
Proceedings of the 7th international workshop on web-oriented software technologies ( iwwost’2008 ) in conjunction with the 8th international conference on web engineering ( icwe’2008 ) yorktown heights, new york, usa, july 14, 2008.. CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 445.


Applying web-based networking protocols and software architectures for providing adaptivity, personalization, and remotization features to industrial human machine interface applications.
21st international conference on advanced information networking and applications (AINA 2007), may 21-23, 2007, niagara falls, canada. IEEE Computer Society. Pages: 940-947.

Role based access control for the interaction with search engines.
Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on collaborative open environments for project-centered learning, cooper-2007, sissi, lassithi - crete greece, 17 september, 2007. CEUR workshop proceedings. Volume: 309.

Integrating databases, search engines and web applications: A model-driven approach.
Web engineering, 7th international conference, ICWE 2007, como, italy, july 16-20, 2007, proceedings. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 4607. Pages: 210-225.

Lexical analysis for modeling web query reformulation.
SIGIR 2007: Proceedings of the 30th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval, amsterdam, the netherlands, july 23-27, 2007. ACM. Pages: 739-740.

Modeling distributed events in data-intensive rich internet applications.
Web information systems engineering - WISE 2007, 8th international conference on web information systems engineering, nancy, france, december 3-7, 2007, proceedings. Springer. Lecture notes in computer science. Volume: 4831. Pages: 593-602.


Conceptual modeling and code generation for rich internet applications.
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on web engineering, ICWE 2006, palo alto, california, usa, july 11-14, 2006. ACM. Pages: 353-360.

Capturing RIA concepts in a web modeling language.
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on world wide web, WWW 2006, edinburgh, scotland, uk, may 23-26, 2006. ACM. Pages: 907-908.