About Me
I am Professor of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, co-leading the Knowledge and Intelligence Design (KInD) group, Department of Sustainable Design Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE); and part-time professor with the Department of Software Technology of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science (EEMCS) of Delft University of Technology. As of November 2020, I serve as head of the Department of Sustainable Design Engineering.
I chair the Delft AI Labs and Talents initiative and I am co-director of the Future Libraries Lab, a collaboration with the Royal Library of The Netherlands. I serve as a scientific advisor for the Feminist Generative AI Lab.
I am Principal Investigator in Urban Data and Intelligence at the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions. I am an active member of the Delft Data Science initiative, where I am actively involved in activities pertaining to the Social Data Science work line; and of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus BOLD (Big, Open and Linked Data) Cities initiative.
I joined the Faculty of Industrial Design and Engineering as Professor of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence in 2019. I joined Delft University of Technology in 2013 as Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science, where I obtained my tenure in 2017, and where I have been promoted Associate Professor in 2018.
Since 2020 I serve as Head of the Department of Sustainable Design Engineering, also serving as member of the Management Team of the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering.
I was awarded my PhD by Politecnico di Milano in 2009, with a thesis focused on model driven approaches for the design, development and automatic code generation of Search Based Applications. During my doctoral studies, I have been a visiting researcher at the L3S Research Centre (Hannover, Germany, 2007), and at FAST Search & Transfer – now Microsoft Development Centre Norway (Oslo, Norway, 2008).
Between 2015 and 2020 I served in the EEMCS Computer Science and Embedded Systems Board of Examiners, and in the EEMCS Faculty Board of Examiners.
Between 2016 and 2017 I held a Research Fellow position at the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS).
Between 2017 and 2019 I led the Urban Data Science team, serving as member of the AMS Institute management team.
In 2018 I have been appointed Principal Investigator of Urban Data and Intelligence.
Between 2014 and 2018 I held a Faculty Fellow position with the IBM Benelux CAS, where I was Principal Investigator of Enterprise Crowd Computing.
I have published more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed international journals (VLDBJ, ACM TWEB, ACM TSC, IEEE IC, IEEE Access, Semantic Web Journal) and conferences (WWW/TheWebConference, CHI, CSCW, FAccT, CUI, HCOMP, AAAI, IJCAI, RecSys, ESWC, ISWC, Hypertext, WebScience, UMAP, ICWE), and several editorial contributions. I am co-author of the book Web Information Retrieval (Springer, 2013). I am co-inventor of the US patent Method and system of management of queries for crowd searching (US 8825701 B2, 2015).
A complete list of my publications and more bibliometric informations are available in the Publications section of my website, in my DBLP profile, in my Google Scholar profile, or in my Scopus profile.
I am involved in research activities sponsored by local, national, and European funding bodies. I have acquired more than ≈6.5M€ in research funding, specifically:
- ≈2,5M€ from European programs (Horizon, H2020, EIT Digital, JPI)
- ≈1M€ cash and in-kind contribution from industry (IBM, Cognizant, KPN, Telecom Italia)
- ≈1.7M€ from Dutch funding bodies (NWA, NWO, 4TU, SurfSara)
- ≈1.5M€ from institutional funding (AMS, TU Delft, EEMCS)
- ≈15K€ for innovation in education activities.
I received the 2017 IBM Faculty Award for my work on Enterprise Crowd Computing.
My projects portfolio includes projects with a total budget of more than 35M€. The funding has been mainly used to build and maintain my research team.
Research Community Service
I am member of the Steering Committee of the International Conference of Web Engineering (ICWE) conference series.
I will serve as General Chair for the the 25th International Conference of Web Engineering (ICWE 2025), organised in Delft. I chaired and hosted the 11th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing in Delft. I have been Program Chair for the 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2019), the 16th International Conference of Web Engineering (ICWE 2016), and the 2015 Australasian Web Conference (AWC 2015) in Sydney. I have been program chair of 10 workshops (CitRec2017, KDWeb 2017/2016/2015, CrowdUI2014, SoHuman2014, OrdRing 2011, DataView2011 and 2010).
I served as area/track chair and senior PC member for several conferences (CHI 2025, WWW/TheWebConference 2023, WWW/TheWebConference 2022, HCOMP 2022, AAAI 2020, HCOMP 2019, WWW/TheWebConference 2018, HCOMP 2018, UMAP 2016, ICWE 2017). I regularly serve as PC member of several top-tier conferences, such as WWW/TheWebConference, HCOMP, CSCW, CHI, WSDM, WebSci, SIGKDD, AAAI, IJCAI, ACM MM, ICWE, ESWC, ISWC.
I served as co-editor for a special issue of the Semantic Web Journal on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing. I provide review service for several top-tier international journals and transactions (e.g. TWEB, Internet Computing, VLDBJ, TOSEM, TIST, TiiS, SIGMOD Record, JWE).
My work found several recognition in national and international media, including: the Wall Street Journal, Het Parool, De Ingenieur, NRC, AD, Telegraph, NOS, Trouw. This page lists more links to news items featuring work related to the Social Distancing Dashboard.
My work on social data science has been recognised as a 2015 TU Delft highlight.
I have been invited speakers at the symposiums of the 174th TU Delft Dies Natalis and for the 176th TU Delft Dies Natalis.